Saudi Arabia Event Truck Ramp

Saudi Arabia Event Truck Ramp

Project overview

– Find a new decking that would solve the problem of high healed shoes falling though

– Refurbish original ramp

– Design new ramp

– Construct the new ramp

– Get it all ready for the tight deadline

In November and December of 2016 Diamond precision under took a major projects that pushed us out side our normal comfort zones. Coupled with a tight delivery deadline we truly had a challenge on our hands, but the late nights and long days paid off when we successfully delivered the project on time to meet the boat which would transport it to its final destination, Saudi Arabia.

How we did it

The project was the refurbishment of an existing entrance ramp to a events truck and the full design and manufacture of a all new staggered exit ramp. After meeting with our customer our design department worked though the weekend to create drawings for approval.

After the design was approved the real hard work started, the customer had requested a high quality aluminium decking know as Neatdek from a supplier called Neaco. The purpose of this decking is to prevent high healed shoes from falling though gaps, Neatdek does this by having nearly no gap but still allows water to drain off the decking. This is a great product and ideal for the project but our deadline stood in our way, as the decking could not be manufactured in such a sort time frame. After many conversation with both neaco and our customer a solution was formed, Neaco would supply us with the decking in a half done state leaving us with the challenge of engineering a system to mount the decking. This in its self was a challenge but even with the decking only been half done it would only leave us with eleven days from the new decking being delivered to our deadline for the hole project. This left us only able to plan, prepare and manufacture as much off the ramp as we could before the decking was delivered.

As the deadline was looming closer and closer the decking finally arrived signaling the start of many long days and late night. We studied the decking and came up with a solution to mount it to the original ramp and our newly laser cut and bent side sections. We concentrated on the recondition ramp at first to get that finished before we under took the totally new ramp. We finished the reconditioned ramp leaving us with just a couple of days to finish the second. After days of welding and fitting the legs where mounted and the many polished stainless steel hand rails where fitted, allowing us to finally stand back and see what all our hard work had achieved. After a late night visit from our customer to approve the new ramp it was dismantled in to the ten section that build the ramp and also allow it to be transported easily.

There was a great feeling off relief from the hole team when the ramp was delivered to the customer just in time to make the boat, and even more so when the first section of the ramp was test fitted to the truck reviling it fitted perfectly.

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